Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008

Polyxena pygmaea flowering Oktober 2008

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Haemanthus albiflos

flower of Haemanthus albiflos Oktober 2008
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I can actually offer the follwoing seeds for swap

Habranthus tubispathus (yellow flowering)
Habranthus tubispathus (pink flowering)
Zephyranthes minima
Zephyranthes spec. Rio Sauce
Rhodophiala fulgens

but only a few. If anybody likes to swap, I am looking for Massonia, Daubenya, Resnova, Zephyranthes, Haemanthus and Habranthus bulbs but also seeds.

Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008

Happy New Year

Ich wünsche ein frohes neues Jahr allen Freunden und Besuchern meiner Seiten!!
